General Healthcare Resrouce's  Blog

Spring has Sprung

Apr 11, 2022 12:44:29 PM / by GHR Search

GHReat Tips Masthead 1-1

Woman in Field_Spring_CroppedWelcome to Spring! The end of March marks the official change from Winter to Spring…and with it, a time for new beginnings and fresh starts!

It’s also a great time to take a look at your personal wellbeing goals and make a conscious push to improve your wellness choices for you and your family. More sunshine, warmer weather, and longer days are the perfect combination for getting ready for the months ahead


  • Get Outside and Start Moving Again
    After months of cold weather and being stuck inside much of the time, there’s nothing like getting back out into the world and becoming active again. We’re not talking about running marathons (though if that’s your thing, great), just focusing on getting some physical activity outside every day you can.

    Gardening, cutting the grass, taking a walk, hiking a trail…it’s good for your physical and mental wellbeing.

  • Enjoy the Harvest of the Season
    Spring reintroduces us to loads of fresh, in-season fruits and vegetables. Take full advantage of the nutritional value found in nature’s offerings!

    All those Spring food options are an easy way to make sure you are loading up on fiber, vitamins, and other nutrients. Include three or more fruits and vegetables in each meal. Bolster your snacks with more raw foods, such as raw nuts, baby carrots, broccoli, and zucchini.

  • Take Part in Daily Sun Therapy
    There are so many benefits to getting outside to soak up some extra sunshine. Vitamin D production, the release of mood enhancing serotonin, improved sleep habits, and help preventing a variety of diseases are just a few.

    If the sun is out, you should be too. That being said, in Spring the sun can cause harm as well. Don’t forget to use sunscreen and wear sunglasses.

  • Do a Little Spring Cleaning
    Ok, cleaning out closets, getting rid of winter clutter and other spring-cleaning projects might not be high on your “fun” list of things to do, but they can provide big payoffs.

    In fact, studies have shown a variety of surprising benefits resulting from this annual tradition including increased productivity, better heart health, reduced stress, and a sense of accomplishment. Not bad for a few hours of labor.

  • Jump into Family Time
    Spring is the perfect time to get outside and play again. Why not make it a family affair?

    Winter can be an isolating time. After months of being couped up inside, Spring allows you to get the entire family outside for fun and games. Throw around the frisbee, take walks together, enjoy a picnic. Yes, it’s good for your health, but more importantly, it can do wonders for bringing your family together.

Spring is all about renewal. Take full advantage of all the opportunities the season offers.

Happy Spring and stay well!

GHR Search

Written by GHR Search